December 3, 2013
Heim Pál – Oraculum – TV spot
This is the third TV spot for the Heim Pál products. This
December 3, 2013
Heim Pál – Carnizim – TV spot
This is the second TV spot for the Heim Pál products. The
December 2, 2013
Majka – music video
This video is a green box video, made for the hungarian rapper
November 29, 2013
Dred – music video
This a green box video. The musician wanted a colorful, and movin
November 28, 2013
Cozombolis – music video
This music video is also a green box one. The main concept
November 26, 2013
Solar Surf – music video
It’s a full green box music video. The hungarian band wanted a
November 26, 2013
Alexsession – music video
This music video ia also another green box stuff. The animations, the
November 19, 2013
Machine Mouse – Álomgyár
We made this music video many years ago. We took a lot
November 15, 2013
DJ Studio Project – A szerelem tengerén
It’s a very low budget green box musiv video, made for a
November 1, 2013
Cadaveres – Bűntudat
This music video was created entoreley by me. The characters were filmed